We provide a 15 Days credit-back guarantee (5-Day refund Policy) on all Web Hosting packages with the following conditions:
- Refunds are limited to one per customer (i.e. multiple services don't qualify or multiple signups).
- The money back guarantee is applicable for new clients only. New orders from existing clients will not qualify in our money back guarantee program.
- No refund to be processed in case your account is in suspended state due to non payment.
- You can request a refund if you place a cancellation request within the period of days specified by your service's money back guarantee.
- No refund after funds are added to the shoutcoder wallet (Credit Balance).
- Refund provided into shoutcoder wallet is non-refundable.
- Refunds are not granted to accounts closed for TOS violations.
- Also note that, no backup of data will be provided in case your account is suspended due to non-payment.
- Existing product upgrades or downgrades will not be refunded; the user will be responsible for the action.
- VPS Product will not be refunded if the product is delivered before requesting cancellation.
- Refunds are not granted on renewal invoices/services.
- Refunds are not granted on Domain Registration/Renewal/Transfer.
- No refund is applicable on payment made for overdue invoices.
- If you already have a product and order a new product, then the no-refund policy applies; only a 10-day credit-back guarantee.
- No refund policy for: installation fee, VPS, dedicated servers, SSL certificates, Domain privacy, Domain names and licenses, or custom software installs.
- No refund will be made if our team does not find any issue in your Hosting plan from our side.
- No refund is applicable for domain name that is similar to a trademarked domain/a domain similar to a brand and is engaged in a business providing similar goods or services.
- No refund is applicable for domain name associated with hosting service involved into hosting of phishing contents/abuse cases.
- No refund will be made if your Service(s) are suspended (due to Email Marketing/Email Abuse/Misuse of our service/Inappropriate/Illegal/Immoral/Account Over-use) or terminated.
- No refund will be applicable for those customers who are found to be hosting illegal contents such as copyrighted content. We do not allow hosting of illegal contents such as mp3 or video or audio files without proper copyrights.
- Refunds will be processed within 7 working days through the payment method.
- To get a refund, the customer should create a cancellation request from the client area and open a ticket. The refund will be processed in 7 - 10 working days to your original Payment method from our end.
w.e.f: 14 April 2024